How To Highlight Your Cursor On Windows

2022年8月8日—Addavisualindicatortoyourmousecursorforbettervisibility.,Thisapphelpsyouhighlightyourmousecursor.Thehighlightedcursorshouldbevisibleabovemostwindows/applicationsexceptfortheWindowsStartMenu ...,Youcaneasilyswitchbetweencursorhighligh...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Cursor Highlighter

2022年8月8日 — Add a visual indicator to your mouse cursor for better visibility.

Cursor Highlighter

This app helps you highlight your mouse cursor. The highlighted cursor should be visible above most windows/applications except for the Windows Start Menu ...

How to enable cursor highlight in windows? (3 simple way)

You can easily switch between cursor highlight and focus mode using the hotkey (shortcut key). You can also control the settings from the taskbar.

How to Highlight the Mouse Cursor in Windows 10 & 11

2023年3月7日 — Then press the Windows logo key + Shift + H hotkey to activate the highlighter. PowerToy's cursor highlighting only applies to mouse clicking.

Mouse pointer highlight

Mouse pointer highlighting program. Very small and convenient in one file. Features. Mouse pointer highlight. Mouse click pointer highlight.

Mouse Pointer Highlight and Spotlight

PointerFocus is a handy Windows application designed for presenters, trainers and teachers who want to highlight their mouse pointer. The application offers ...

Mouse Pointer Highlighter

2021年12月5日 — This extension will highlight your mouse cursor and your mouse clicks. This is a very simple plugin that will highlight your cursor in chrome ...


2022年8月8日—Addavisualindicatortoyourmousecursorforbettervisibility.,Thisapphelpsyouhighlightyourmousecursor.Thehighlightedcursorshouldbevisibleabovemostwindows/applicationsexceptfortheWindowsStartMenu ...,Youcaneasilyswitchbetweencursorhighlightandfocusmodeusingthehotkey(shortcutkey).Youcanalsocontrolthesettingsfromthetaskbar.,2023年3月7日—ThenpresstheWindowslogokey+Shift+Hhotkeytoactivateth...